- desmos - good little graphing calculator website
- zooniverse - citizen science crowdsourcing project. like amazon turk but for public research.
- gibber - a wild interactive audiovisual programming environment
- orca - dwarf fortress meets vim meets a MIDI sequencer
- hundredrabbits - the very cool site of Rek and Devine (person behind Orca + much more) who sail around the world creating software
- realistik studios - ♥♥♥
- libgen - book piracy
- sci-hub - journal piracy
- arxiv - open journal for physics/maths/compsci/astronomy preprints. (convert any article to html5 by changing the URL to use https://ar5iv.org/ instead)
- virtual ANS - turn pictures into music
- ipfs.io - seamless decentralized web protocol for creating an open internet
- awesometapes.com - a huge collection of music from africa
- ubu.com - an archive of avant-garde and experimental literature, film, and music
- tekgnostics library - a huge directoy of weird web
- monoskop - art + humanities wiki
- 0100101110101101 - eva & franco mattes' works (i like BEFNOED)
- wordnik - the best free online dictionary & thesaurus i've found
- lvllvl - cool browser based pixel art thing
- nopaint.art - press Paint if you like what you see or No if you don't.
- robert hodgin - some inspirationally aesthetic simulation projects
- what can a technologist do about climate change? - an article by bret victor written in 2015
- does x cause y? - pitfalls of social science
- cryptii - encrypt and decrypt messages
- nicky case - creative interactive animations and games
- the general index - An enormous database of journal metadata
- everything shii knows - the only reliable source
- national gallery of art - public domain art repository
- met museum - art repository
- europeana - art, fashion, & natural history repository
- play.ertdfgcvb.xyz - really cool generative ASCII art
- HORG - a taxonomy of breadbag clips
- byrne's euclid - an animated reproduction of oliver byrne’s elements from 1847
- quantum country - an explanation of quantum computing with a built-in spaced repetition system
- why books donʼt work - an essay on learning from the maker of the above, andy matuschak
- parametric press issue 02: carbon history - an interactive article that engages you in the history and context of climate change
- the nutrition source - a succinct overview of evidence-supported best practices for food and health
- aesthetics for birds - a blog on art criticism and philosophy
- strong towns - urbanism advocacy
- bartosz ciechanowski - beautiful interactive long-form concept-explaining articles
- seeing theory - probability visualized and explained
- how many plants - a beautifully designed houseplant care resource
- nutshell - inter-site snippetting
- telescopic text - a fun interactive text experiment
- library of babel - the last website you will ever need
- shell check - bash shell script automatic analysis
- koch method to learn morse - learn morse code
- which emoji scissors close - ✂️
- numbers aplenty - fun facts about natural numbers
- everynoise - a scatterplot of snippets of thousands of genres of music
- tero parviainen's website - many cool generative music projects, including a music mouse implementation and beautiful exploration of In C.
- musicForProgramming(); - a collection of minimal musical mixes
- ooh. directory - a community-sourced repository of blogs
- wiby - a search engine for indie websites
- screenplays.io - a large repository of screenplays. read 'em before it gets taken down!
- PTT - the taiwanese bbs
- quote investigator - snopes for quote attribution
- marginalia - indie web search
- squares in squares - square packing world records
- shelby.cool - website #goals
- solarpunks.net - a blog at the intersection of technology, politics, and environmentalism
- solarprotocol.net - a internet network protocol based on serving from whichever server has the most solar power at any given time
- the pequod - an enormous collection of book reviews written by a man named jeffrey smith
- web curios - a regular(-ish) newsletterblogtypething all about stuff on the internet that its author finds interesting and thinks you might too
- openstax - high quality open source web textbooks on loads of subjects
- open syllabus - an amazing compilation of western university syllabi, a portal into the foundational texts of any subject you're curious about
- wavacity - a port of audacity that runs entirely in the browser
- copernicus browser - the eu's satellite data portal
- 1MB.club - a collection of websites that are less than 1MB :')
- openhumans.org - open source your genome for open science
- thomas kole - tenochtitlan - a meticulous cgi reconstruction of tenochitlan rendered to match present day photographs of its successor, mexico city
- card game rules - an enormous repository of card games from around the world in a standard clean format
- ASC_PAINT - a nice little paint webapp with brush, shapes, and fills, but it's ASCII. by jonathan brodsky
- HTML spirograph - a spirograph webapp by abel vincze
- diagram website - a non exhaustive taxonomy of smolnet (cute little websites)
- scan of the month - high quality 3d scans of objects and accompanying articles
- allchemy - a playful combination game (see also little alchemy or infinite craft by neal.fun)
- trifecta - minimal image hosting software
- font review journal - typography criticism
- invasive species specialist group 100 worst invasive species list - oh no!
- facts about the number thirty seven - by tom magliery
- all about berlin - a high quality, human written introduction to the city of berlin, intended for immigrants. better than any government resource i've seen.
- machine - a very fun physics engine "incredible machine" type game by randall munroe and friends
- Jack Ginsberg Centre for the Book Arts - the internet part of an archive for south african art books
- the html review - yo dawg i heard you liked other cool websites
- floor 796 - hundreds of stitched together animations comprise... floor 796
- pluckable strings - you can draw lines and pluck em
- standard ebooks - a large library of public domain ebooks, like project gutenberg but with quality control
- OpenArena - quake 3 arena in the browser over WebRTC
- ESASky - astronomical imagery explorer. right click on something and search it in one of the offered databases to learn more about what you're looking at
- eggcorn database - a web sight full of acorns
- suncalc - a interface for precisely calculating where the sun will be at any point in time
- ALIEN project - an artificial life simulation program based on a specialized physics and rendering engine
- mosqpedia - a collection and celebration of all the beautiful mosques in the world
- image resize and quality comparison - quickly check how much you can compress a jpeg before it becomes illegible
- benny - a modular software playground for making live music, kind of like a max/msp remix?
- icons - an enormous archive of gif icons (2490 and counting)
- learn how to learn - a collection of blog posts on how to be a sigma autodidact
- openverse - a search engine of the public domain
- thomas thwaites - an artist who asks questions with art + technology
- the algorithms - a repository of common computer algorithms, written in many languages
- mess with dns - julia evans (of programming zine fame) has made a website where you can configure the DNS records for a random subdomain on this site
- category theory illustrated - "the fundaments of mathematics are the fundaments of thought. category theory allows us to formalize those fundaments that we use in our daily (intellectual) lives"
- terminal trove - a showcase for computer terminals
- free public APIs - a collection of free public APIs
- living wage calculator - a U.S. focused collection of tables showing minimum/poverty/living wages for different family structures in each county.
- polis - a tool to crowdsource diverse opinions from a group of people, in their own words, and distill it into discrete statements that can then be polled on. e-democracy of the future.
- apple rankings - entertaining and passionate apple (fruit) reviews
- spacehey - a myspace inspired-retro social media site. there's a thread in the forum where everyone believes in ghosts.
- housefresh - a dedicated & independent air purifier review site
- global solar atlas - an interactive world map allowing you to see any region's pertinent solar power stats.
- music theory - a comprehensive beginner's guide, by Bad Diode
- html for people - a friendly and approachable tutorial explaining how to write html websites for a general audience
- breeze wiki - a way to read fandom wikis without all the "extra" content
- the science playground - a large collection of science based games
- typst - an ergonomic alternative to LaTeX
- hathi trust - a large online collection of public domain texts
- akiyoshi's illusion pages - circular snakes appear to rotate 'spontaneously', etc...
- stippler - a hypnotic web app that uses a "weighted voronoi stippling" algorithm to stipple pictures. stand far back for best results.
- MIT Press Open Access Books - all of MIT's open access books in one easy-to-read place on archive.org
- explorables - a repository of high quality interactive concept explainers. there are more explorables on simon willison's website
- programmer's compendium - a (paid) computer science from scratch curriculum
- notes on the beatles - alan pollack's extensive analysis of beatles songs
- websites from hell - a web temple dedicated to the best of the worst
- public domain image archive - beautiful art and imagery tastefully presented, all in the public domain
- the sound of love - heartfelt comments from songs on youtube
- audiblez - open source tts for turning ebooks into audiobooks